How to Shift Interactions from Transactional to Transformational

Are your interactions Transactional or Transformational?

If transactional, it’s worth examining your underlying intention. Intention has nothing to do with what you do and everything to do with why you do it.
Think about the difference between a salesperson who focuses on their commission versus a salesperson who genuinely cares about your needs. One interaction is transactional, the other has the potential to be transformational. What they do could be identical. But their intention (why they do it) differs. And we feel it.

You bring an intention to all you do. Most often it’s unconscious. Your intention may be to benefit your ego (selfish) or to benefit others (selfless). Hint: If you are “managing up” or putting energy into making sure people see you favorably or don’t see you unfavorably, your underlying intention is ego-based (selfish).

We’ve been indoctrinated early on to be “selfish” in our intention as we focus on my test score, my GPA, my popularity, my rank, my title, my bonus. In toxic fear-based cultures, a “selfish” intention is likely to prevail with a focus on my job security and my survival.

The better alternative is an intention the extends beyond yourself. Do what you do SO THAT you can educate the audience, so that you can support your customers, so that the team succeeds, so that people reach their potential, so that people can enjoy life, so that others feel secure in knowing everything will work out.

Make your intention conscious. When you give a presentation, catch yourself needing to make sure you look good (or don’t look bad) in front of your coworkers (selfish) and shift your intention beyond yourself, such as making sure your coworkers are positioned for success (selfless). The former is constrictive and ego-based. The latter is expansive, heartfelt, and aimed beyond self.

Intention matters. It has the power to make interactions transformational. We can’t see intention, but we feel it. And you will, too.

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